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Monday, August 24, 2015


I knew a new friend from a job lately at Midvalley. He was so impressive of his bad luck continuously during the two days. Actually what made him to be remembered is the things he said to me. He told me do not do things purposely for the one who is special to me and something related to things that are stuck inside my brain.

After the night, I calm down from inside to outside. Nor because of I was attracted by the new guy neither I don't like Mr FNM anymore. The main reason is I know this is love. 

Love is to let go so that he could have his happiness, 
Love is not to do things for his sake to stress him up,
Love is to give blessing while he fall in love with someone,
Love is to be proven by time but not easily said in few months.
Love is because it's him and it's love.

That is why I didn't sigh, pissed off even shed a tear when I know he is in love. 

No matter what, our stories are precious and limited edition which taught me and grown me up since the moment we know each other. 

#eefangistough #aefdyd

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


我的人生很幸福,有着爱我的家人以及朋友。这是我原生家庭的幸福,而我的幸福呢?它,曾经离我很近很近,但我却狠狠地把它推开。华人信仰中有一个说法:如果你不懂得珍惜属于你的东西,那老天爷是不会再给你了!关于Mr FNM,我相信慢慢生活中没有我的他,依然还是可以活得很好!

不晓得为什么,我们往往都不会珍惜对到我们好的人。我身边有着一个这样的人,可以在我需要的时候把时间都给我、在我身边给我劝告、只要一通电话就出现,这些年的所有都看在眼里的我,却不能对这些产生对Mr FNM 的感觉。直到最近,这一个人,慢慢地对我冷淡了,而我没吭声,因为我知道我没资格说些什么,做些什么。我有尝试过灌输自己一些观念,但这些努力仿佛都完全不起作用!对不起,我真的努力了,但我真的没办法把他当成爱人看待。

不能因为孤单需要一个人而欺骗他的感情,更不能让那人有我也要有的念头充昏了头脑,最后也只会换来伤人亦伤己的后果。我清楚地知道心里装着的是谁,也明白追求幸福不是一日半天的事。就像Peter Su 说的:5. 幸福,其實一直都在身邊,不用急著找
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Indeed,真的说的很对!Peter Su 教会了我许多事,我希望自己能在他的文字下重新找回自己以及在未来灯火阑珊处等着我的那个人。
#eefangistough #findmyself #him #happinessisnear